Heather Venenga

Heather is a multi-talented powerhouse! She's not just your average investment advisor representative; she's also an incredible author, captivating speaker, and is passionate about helping farm families with succession planning, supermom, farm wife, and an absolute motivational junkie! She is highly driven to help hardworking people in the Midwest live and leave their legacies.

Heather's journey has been a series of interconnected events that have led her to her current role as a investment advisor representative who helps farm families transition planning. It all started when she obtained her bachelor's degree at South Dakota State University, where she met her husband, Rob. After moving to Lincoln, Nebraska, she pursued a Master's Degree in Management while working in corporate America for 17 years.

During her time in the corporate world, Heather gained valuable experience in various aspects of business, including large acquisitions. However, she eventually decided to leave the fast-paced corporate environment and return to South Dakota to support her husband in taking over the family farm. This change allowed her to prioritize her role as a mother to their son, Gavin.

It was during this period that Heather stumbled upon her next challenge—the financial advisory career. For 10 years, she worked in a general practice with a large broker dealer, where she soon discovered her calling in assisting farm families with their unique financial challenges. Over the years, she has helped numerous farm families navigate the complexities of passing on their farms, minimizing taxes, and ensuring the financial stability of their operations.

Heather recognized the importance of education in empowering farm families to make informed decisions. To provide valuable knowledge, she started conducting informative workshops, both virtually and in person.

In 2023, Heather took a significant step in her career by establishing her own practice, American Harvest Financial. This allowed her to provide even more assistance to farmers and individuals who share Midwestern values and work ethic.

Today, through her educational outreach , workshops, and practice, Heather has become a trusted resource for farm families seeking guidance in passing on their farms, preserving wealth, and maintaining family harmony. Her dedication continues to make a meaningful difference in the lives of the families she serves, embodying her vision of helping hardworking individuals achieve family harmony and financial success.